Welcome to the beautiful mountains of Ecaudor!
Our squad has been living at a ministry called “Dunamis” for 2 weeks now. Dunamis is a greek word in scripture that refers to the explosive power of the Holy Spirit to change lives. We were met weeks ago by a man named Borris; the founder of Dunamis. Shortly after knowing him, he shared his testimony with us. Borris group up on the streets in Columbia, and was kicked out of his home as a child. Through his wandering as a child he found himself in Ecuador. Borris was brought in by a group of children that taught him the ways of surviving on the streets. Borris had a near death experience after stealing a hat off someone. He was hit in the head and knocked out. Borris was taken to a hospital where missionaries worked. After being with those missionaries Borris was adopted into their family and his life was forever changed. They truly showed him the love of Jesus.

Since then, Borris has been walking hand in hand with our Father to create a place like Eden on earth. This space is for women who have been victims of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. The ministry takes in these daughters and provides them a place to live, they allow them to experience the Love of God, and hold their hands through the process of healing and affirming their worth. These women receive education and help on their journey back to a full life.
Often times it feels like we could just reach up and touch heaven. (Maybe if we stand on our tippy toes). The days are beautiful, full of wonderful conversation about life and Love. They are full of service to our brothers and sisters. We have been serving with Dunamis by encouraging and loving our ministry hosts, and all those who are here on a daily basis. We serve in a greenhouse filled with tomatoes, pulling weeds, pruning the plants, watering; just tending the garden. And so grateful that God is with us in this process, if He wasn’t it would be for nothing. ” I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. 1 Cor 3:6″

We have also been working to build a new home for missionaries to live in once they get here. They are crafted of 5 shipping containers, and to say they’re heavier than they look is the truth. I’m constantly reminded of the value that is the service we are doing. The home we live in currently was built by missionaries. The wall that surrounds and protects us 24/7 was built by my friends, who have served here before with the World Race.
We will be at Dunamis for a few more weeks, giving until there’s nothing left to give, then we switch with the other half of our squad, going to another ministry. Thank you for taking time to read my words. God is faithful, and He has divine opportunity for you to experience and share His love whether you are in Ecuador, or work a 9-5. You just gotta look in the right place. I will be more consistent in my blog posts. Please spend a minute and pray for our family here in Ecuador, that we will give everything we have, joyfully. And please pray about supporting me financially, that I may continue on the path that God has me on. ” Don’t make me either rich or poor; just give me enough food for each day. 9 If I have too much, I might reject you and say, ‘I don’t know the Lord.’ If I am poor, I might steal and disgrace the name of my God. Proverbs 30: 7-9
I so enjoy hearing about alll the things you and your group are doing for Jesus! I pray for all of you every day!??
Justin, I was so touched by Borris’ redemptive story and the work he is doing now. What a privilege to walk alongside him in encouragement and affirmation from the Father. What a blessing to live amidst such beauty of creation and lives being divinely healed.
Justin you never cease to amaze me. I can picture you “tending” the garden both with the tomatoes and with the beautiful people you are blessing every day. I can’t imagine living the life that Borris has or struggling in ways your residents have experienced. But how beautiful it is that God takes all the brokenness and brings healing through Borris and all of you who have come after him. We continue to pray for all of you!! Love you so much!
Wow it always is overwhelming how God can use one person’s struggle and turn it into something so amazing which blesses so many. Boris is the perfect evidence of having an open heart and one who is willing to follow in God’s perfect direction and plan. We have to trust Him, especially when it’s not comfortable, knowing that He is 100% victorious in the end. I believe His light and love shines through you all as you trust in Him for the ministry He has called you to so far from home. Thank you for sharing this story and all the love and hard work you all are putting in as God’s disciples. I will continue to pray as you transition into the next place of ministry and trust in His provision for your funding. I will share the word… as always I am so proud of you and I love you so much!!!
Love Mom
Justin, Oh, how the Chandlers miss you! It’s always so good to hear from you, to hear you tell stories, to see the world through your gifted, crafted words. I love how God brings together the body of Christ and gives each of us specific jobs to do for Kingdom purposes. It is good that you acknowledge those who have gone before you as well as those who will come behind.
Love you.
I love you so much Grandma, thank you for your kindness!
Verna! Thank you so much for your kind words. Having the opportunity to experience Borris’ heart has been one of the greatest things I have experienced since being in Ecuador. And yes, such an incredible blessing to be here in this part of creation!
I love you so much Aunt Suzie!! Thank you for saying all of those kind words and taking time to hear my heart. Borris and his story with the Lord of forgiveness and reconciliation is so amazing. Something only God could do!
Thank you mom, I love you so much and your words are truth and light!
Katie, I miss the Chandlers soooo much. Your family has been a place of refuge in my heart for a while now. It’s so sweet to remember that what we’re doing today is going to bless others in the future!
justin! thanks for sharing this beautiful story! i love and miss you a lottttt!!! also i’m a big fan of that 1 corinthians verse:))
This is beauuuuutiful, Justin. I love seeing your perspective on life. It’s for real one of my favorite things 🙂
Justin, thank you so much for sharing about your life in Ecuador! And what a blessing to hear of Borris’ powerful testimony… Amen and thanks, God!!
“Giving until there is nothing left to give“… may we all learn to serve with this heart!