The past few days on the race have been some of the most unexpected and challenging days so far.
2 days ago I woke up in my bed at our base in Nsoko, Swaziland. We had been there for about 12 days at this point. We were just settling in to our new home for the next 3 months, getting familiar with the base staff, learning the language, and all adjusting to this new way of life in the bush. The nearest store was about a 45 minute walk away, so yes, we were out in the middle of nowhere. Swaziland is beautiful. In just the first week of our ministry, I found myself sitting outside for hours, talking to God, and observing the incredible nature, that looked strangely familiar to my home in Arizona.

Later that day, our ministry host, David, came to the base as he typically did multiple times a day, and called us all into our main dining room for announcements. This was nothing new, as we had received David’s announcements daily for the past 12 days. This time, however, we received news that is changing the course of all our lives for at least the next 3 months.
David told us that due to borders closing around the world; in order to get us home sooner rather than later, Adventures In Missions has decided to pull our squad out of Swaziland. The following day.

After receiving that news, most everyone on the squad were in tears as we were so excited for the last 3 months in Swazi, final debrief, PSL, and experiencing true closure with our friends, and our time on the race. It feels like the rug has been pulled right from under our feet. Although this situation is far from ideal, I fully support the decision of AIM to pull us out. They have our best interest in mind.
So as I write this blog, it is Monday March 16th, 2020. I am at a youth camp, somewhere in South Africa, where we have spent the past day.

Here is our plan to get back to the U.S. (plans are subject to change, obviously) It is 9:35 A.M. and we will leave this camp at 12 P.M. today and go to the airport. There, we will wait until 7 P.M. for a flight that will take us approximately 10 hours to Turkey. After that, we will have a 9-10 hour layover in Turkey, then another 10+ hour flight back to Atlanta, Georgia.
If all goes according to plan we will arrive in Georgia, and spend about 2 days there to have an extremely shortened and abrupt version of our final debrief. After debrief, everyone will say their goodbyes and go their separate ways. Me and my teammates, Nathan, Nathanael, and Brandon will fly out to Nathan’s home in Tennessee where we will spend a few days processing the end of the race, going home, living in the U.S. again, and enjoying each others company. Following our time there, Brandon, Nathanael, and I will fly back to our individual home states. That’s our plan, we’ll see how it goes.

This scripture has become soberingly real these past few days.”Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”” James 4:13-16
I fully know that God is not surprised by what is happening in the world, and how it is affecting our squad. And although it is hard for me to see the reasoning behind his works, I know He is working for good, and will bring amazing things out of this situation.

Before you see me, I want you to know that this situation hurts me, committing myself to an adventure for 9 months, and being ripped out 2/3 of the way through is not what I had in mind. I am excited to come home, but I don’t feel ready. I am experiencing so many different emotions that it’s hard to process them all in such a short period of time. So when I come home, please have some grace with me, this situation has certainly rocked my boat. But know, that me and my squad-mates are standing firm in our faith and trust that The Lord, Jesus Christ has great plans, bigger than any of us can see, and we trust Him to take care of us.
I am so grateful to Him for everything that I have experienced on this journey, and what comes next is going to be amazing. Thank you all, -Justin.
Well said, Justin. And beautiful pictures. We look forward to seeing you! In the meantime, remaining prayerful for you and the whole squad.
Love you bro! Re-entry is challenging, but possible. My hope and prayer is for debrief to be good for you and the squad. Maybe we’ll get to see each other, difficult to say at this point for sure. Praying for you guys! 🙂
Justin, you have been a bright light on this team since the very beginning. As you process and shift your perspective you are still directing the light to show the way forward. Your words have weight and speak life into your squad. Keep shining!
Justin, I am excited to see you and eventually hear about your experiences. You have shared so well all along your mission trip with words and pictures. I know you all must be so disappointed in your mission being abruptly ended as you had just arrived in a new country with new people to minister with. Of course, your squad has been together over six months and you have become family. I am happy you are taking time with the boys to complete your time together. You will probably be friends for your life time. Know that you are loved and I am praying for safe travel for all of you.
That’s one of those scriptures that are easy to talk about, but so difficult to walk out. Love you so much and I’m proud that you’re a man that walks out the difficult sides of faith! Thank you for this update into your process. I’m constantly encouraged by your heart and perspective. Praying that you can rejoice, and mourn, and process, and praise the Lord through everything. Call me when you’re states-side! Love you, dude
– Profe
Justin my heart hurts for you as I know how you meant to really disconnect through the last leg of this trip and to really connect with your group and with God. I believe God has something else planned for you. You know you have our support for wherever God takes you next. You have become close to some very beautiful people and I am certain you will be connected for life. I love you and I can’t wait to see what God does with you next!!!
Heart is broken for you guys. Glad you will have some time with the guys in Tennessee.