Flying into Cambodia 3 months ago, I looked out of the plane window as we flew over the country, and my subconscious expectations were instantly subverted. I grew up with a western view of what I thought Asia would be like. I tried to come here without any expectations, but in reality, I already had them subconsciously in my mind after growing up watching movies like “Rambo II, Rush Hour 2” and wanting to grow up to be a ninja since I was 8.
The beginning of Cambodia was rough, teammates sick, and the culture shock. Oh man, the culture shock. The simplest things became hard. From getting a ride to a different part of town, to simply buying food from a market were huge challenges. The weather is way more hot than most of our squad-mates are used to, ministry was a lot. I could probably go on for a while talking about the things that have been hard. But I’m tired of talking about that. A phrase that keeps coming into my head is “beautifully brutal”. That’s what Cambodia has been.

Our first month and a half was spent in Phnom Pehn. Our ministry was teaching at a school called “Ace American Academy”. We would also have prayer walks everyday, worship with the college students next door, and time to play with kids in our neighborhood after school. One of my highlights from Phnom Pehn was holding our Christmas program! We invited all the parents of our students to a night where we shared the story of Christ’s birth. This was many of the parents first time hearing the gospel message. Me and Nathanael started having a desire to learn how to cook more. And I enjoyed our time hanging out at the lake during our prayer walks, then coming home and having a great breakfast with fruit juice every morning.

After our month in Phnom Pehn, we came to another city 6 hours away called Siem Reap. This is where we had our mid-point debrief, and awakening. Mid point debrief was awesome. We got to hang out with Tim, Karen, and Kacie (Our mentors from back home). And be encouraged on our walk through the race. After debrief, we had Awakening. A few days where we met up with another squad of world racers and got to hear about their experience on the race. We gained so much wisdom and encouragement from them.

Following Awakening, all of the women on our squad went back to Phnom Pehn, and our team stayed in Siem Reap. This is where our man’s month began. Man’s month is a month where the men on a squad get to go off to a different ministry and have some time to bond with each other. The men on the world race get some special privileges because we are a minority on the squad. The ratio of women to men on our squad is 1/5, for every 1 guy, there are 5 girls. Our man’s month has been awesome. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of our sisters on our squad. And I have loved to wake up in a house with just us 4, and be able to walk downstairs in a near silent house and spend time with the Lord. On the other hand, I am looking forward to get back together with all of our sisters. They bring life to the places we stay in, and my time on the race has been so fun because of them. This month has been a great time for our team to grow closer together, lean into each other, and enjoy the remaining time in Cambodia. Our ministry hosts have become our family here, we love them so much. I have gained such an appreciation for the people here in Cambodia.

If you have noticed, there has been a lack of blogs on my part. This has not been because I have not been working on them. I have taken a slight break from social media this month, but have made videos regardless. While I am in Swaziland there will be 4 videos uploaded from our time here. Starting in the next few days I will be packing my laptop, and Ipod (my only electronics), at the bottom of my bag, and for the entire 3 months of Swaziland I will be doing a total technology and WiFi fast. I love recording and making videos, so I will be taking photos and videos with my camera, that is my one exception. I want Swaziland to be a time where I find myself bored, and being okay with it. I want to come to a place of deep introspective thinking, and let my mind wander. I am seeking deeper intimacy with God. I am going to work on self discipline, and be changed in any and every way God wants to change me.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be apart of this journey. I love all my brothers and sisters on our squad, and everyone at home. Thank you all so much for your support, I am so excited to step into the next chapter of the race, so my next update will be in Swaziland. Since I will not be on WiFi, I won’t be able to post my videos on Facebook, or my blog so I would encourage everyone who wants to see the videos to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Here is the latest video from our time here in Cambodia, it is a day in our life here on man’s month! I hope you enjoy. Subscribe to the channel for the next 4 videos coming soon! -Love Justin
brothers! what a gift it is to know you & walk with you. Justin, i love your words ‘beautifully brutal.’ He’s working all around you, in the beauty, in the brutality, & where they meet. i hope & pray you continue to breathe it all in. sending hugs!!! love you guys!
Justin, dude! I’m reading this from my desk at work. This filled me with so much joy. I love the light you see in every aspect of life–from the hard things of culture-shock and sickness, to the little things of prayer walks and fresh juice in the morning. This was a huge encouragement and reminder to see the joy in those little things Jesus gives us (past and present). Love you, man!
Keep running the Race! Your actions and words are life-giving to those back home and overseas.
Justin! I always love reading your blogs. You’re always so vulnerable in what the Lord is doing. I love to hear how it was hard, yet you all chose in and the Lord did some really beautiful things with it. So good. Miss you guys and praying for you as you travel to Swazi. Seriously so excited for all of you, soak in all in!! —love you guys!
What great insight. I love the “beautifully brutal.” Life can be like that at moments but it is usually also when God is revealing Himself to us even more. Take it all in, because God uses it all. Love the videos. Keep going strong. Praying a hedge of protection over the ache of you as you head to Swazi.
Love you all guys and miss you! Glad to hear the Lord is teaching you new things. Keep growing!
Justin! How I’ve missed your blogs. As always I love the update and I am super excited for your guys time in Swazi. I respect the decision to do a technology/internet fast so much. 3 months is the real deal! Super pumped for the ways God is gonna show up for you all.
Justin!! Dude! Haha just had to be apart of the club:/ proud of you love you all lots! Love on ALL the kids for me in Swazi pls??
Thank you for sharing Justin. I subscribed to your youtube so i can see your videos. I know the Lord will honor your media fast and you will grow so much during your time in Swazi. Down the road as you look back on your time in Cambodia I would not be surprised if you changed your description from beautifully brutal to beautiful. We care about you and are praying for your last week in Cambodia!
“I want Swaziland to be a time where I find myself bored, and being okay with it.”
Best. News. Ever. Let’s go GOD!! Swazi gonna be awesome!
Thank you so much Bern, the gift of walking through this life is mutual. I will continue to take it all in as best I can! We love you too!!
Thanks so much Jordy, I love and miss you man. You brought such a fresh perspective to our team, and your impact on us is still ever present. Whenever I desire to go behind our host’s back and eat some oreos in my room, I always think of you, and refrain. Can’t wait to see you at PSL man!
You are so awesome Hannah, we really came to a point where we had to “choose in” on the race, and thankfully we all did. I miss laughing with you everyday and I pray that God is doing equally amazing things in your life! 🙂
Thank you so much Mrs. Gomez! I am so thankful you take the time to read all of my blogs. We are all praying and rooting for Tati as she follows the Lord on a new and exciting adventure. Love you guys so much!
Love you too Daniel, we miss you man. So thankful we got to become brothers in Costa with you. Love the memory of going to your house, eating pizza, and watching Lord Of The Rings. Still remember your amazing guitar skills which inspire me to practice more!
Thanks Joe! I am equally as excited to see all the crazy cool ways God is going to do in these next 3 months. Take care brother!
I’ll do my best Syd, miss you and hope everything at home is going well! By the way, your pineapple shirt is a great pajama shirt, thanks again!
Thanks so much Tim and Karen, I know that God takes things that seem difficult or messy, and makes something beautiful out of them, so I have a feeling you are right. I pray that everything at home with your new transition is going well! Appreciate all that you are.
Yes Ma’am it is! Can’t wait to unplug in the next couple days. And can’t wait to see you soon!
My heart swells with love whenever I see your blogs! All of you have taken on a great mission for God and just following where he leads you! When you share your videos I feel like I am there with you. Love seeing the children you minister to; I know they will all miss you. Now you have a new ministry ahead of you in Swaziland where you will touch other people, young and old, with the love of God! God bless each one of you in your travels. Praying for each one of you!
Dang man, you guys make Cambodia look good brother. Miss you guys a lot.