Hey everyone! I apologize for the lack of posts or any social media presence as of late. I know I am not obligated to be on social media, however I do enjoy keeping everyone in the loop of what is going on in the life God has blessed me with. First off, I arrived safely in Phnom Pehn, Cambodia about a week ago.
Our ministry has already begun, and it is so cool! I spend about an hour and a half every morning walking around our community for a time of prayer walking. This is a very peaceful time where I can spend time with the Father praying over the people of Cambodia. At around 1pm we head over to a nearby school, where our main focus of ministry is. The school is filled with children from daycare age, to young adults. We have bible class, english class, and a Christmas program that we are working to set up! This is a very exciting ministry, and a great opportunity because for the first time in my life, I can walk into a room full of people who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. This will be many children’s first Christmas, and we get to show them what it looks like. We are going to focus fully on Jesus for Christmas, rather than showing the United States version of Christmas which misses the central point of Jesus’ birth so often.
After we finish at school each day, we go out to the community to show the love of Jesus through simple things, mainly playing with children on the street. God is so good to bring me here, although I am totally undeserving. But that’s grace. I am slowly but surely adjusting to the increasing unfamiliarity that is my life, it isn’t easy, but God is faithful through it all. I am so close to being fully funded and I plan to make a video or a blog post talking about my experience fundraising, and give my thanks to everyone once again. Thank you for all your help everyone.
I will make an effort to talk to friends and family in the coming weeks, however I am trying to be ever present in this season. It is also a challenge because I am about 14 hours ahead of the time in Arizona. When it’s day here, it’s the middle of the night at home. Just know that I am doing great, and that I will make every effort to share Christ with the people of Cambodia, I miss and love all of you. Enjoy the video.
So excited to hear all about how God is gonna move there!! We miss you guys!!
Thank you Kayla! We miss all of you, and know God is going to do great things through you all!
Brb crying. Love you love the video!! Thx brother!!
Your videos are beautiful. You truly area talented story teller. Keep telling the greatest story of all. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. Praying for all of you.
Justin, I love this, thanks so much for sharing!! Teared up a little at that video haha! Miss you guys and praying for you always!!
Justin, this is simply beautiful. You have given us the gift of coming on this journey with you through images and music. It truly is both a physical and emotional journey. Blessings on your time in Cambodia. May God meet you there in each encounter and step of faith.
Hi Nephew! Your beautiful video once again brings me to tears. I am so proud of you. Your role as storyteller is a true gift. My heart is so full watching you and your friends experiencing God working through you and touching so many lives! What an amazing journey God has led you to. I love you so very much!??
Justin, Your videos are the best! It helps those of us back at home feel like we can join your journey for just a few minutes. Especially enjoyed Jordan’s music this time; the two of you are very gifted and bless us all greatly! Thank you so much for all you do to put these videos together. I’m keeping Sovereign Sons in prayer as y’all continue to adjust to Cambodia; looking forward to seeing life there as well.
Justin, thanks for the video showing your trip and arrival in Cambodia. I pray for your squad and your ministry there. May God bless your ministry there! Thanks for yoiur faces time call. It is always so good to see your smiling face and hear about everything going on in your life! I miss you and love you so much. You are always on my heart every day! Love you, Grandma
Justin, thanks for the video showing your trip and arrival in Cambodia. I pray for your squad and your ministry there. May God bless your ministry there! Thanks for your face time call. It is always so good to see your smiling face and hear about everything going on in your life! I miss you and love you so much. You are always on my heart every day! Love you, Grandma
3 months and jordan never played old pine for you, he mustve been holding out on you. Excited to here about your guys’ time in cambodia
This is so tenderrrrr! Love it Justin!
Thank you Kacie! Miss you!
Yeah man I was surprised when I heard him play it, you’ll see our adventures in Cambodia soon! Hopefully we can talk on the phone at some point in the future!
Love you so much Grandma it was so good to talk to you! I am so thankful for the simple fact that you love me so much!
Thank you so much Mrs. Chandler! Your support means so much to our team, it is also such a pleasure for me to be able to make these videos and share them with everyone!
I love you to Aunt Suzie, your support means so much to me and I could not be here without your help! I miss you guys so much and hope you have such a good Christmas. We’ll be having a good Christmas here, because it’s where God wants us. Love you so much!
Thank you so much Mrs. Folsom I love being able to capture a little bit of what we’re going through and put it into video!
Glad you liked it Hannah! We miss you so much but are equally as happy that God has you right where He wants you! Praying for you!
Thanks so much Kevin! We miss you too man, hope everything is going well!
It is my pleasure Mrs. Gomez, I love making these videos and it’s awesome to hear feedback. I am glad that you guys can come along this journey through these videos! Thank you for all of your support!
Love you Syd! We miss you but know that God has you where He wants you!
Miss you too Kayla, hope everything is going great for you!
Amazing. I can’t get enough. I am so proud of you
Hey Justin, I’m glad to see your doing well. I’m happy that God is moving through you allowing you to perform miracles. Just remember that what you do might not be recognized by people but God sees what you are doing. He will be all the fulfillment you need. God bless brother. ??????????????
I hope you had the chance to show those skaters that “estas enfermo.” Great video man! Miss you guys!