I’d like to take you on a visual journey into a glimpse of what God is doing here in Gainesville Georgia. Let’s get started.
Here are some of the children Jesus hand-picked to make up our leadership team! The Love and value they show me as their brother is gently beautiful.
Here are the young men who have said yes to God’s calling to go on The World Race this year. Our team name is “Brosaic”. God gave us the name because we are broken, but like a piece of mosaic art, we are put together to make one beautiful picture. (From left to right, JP, Josh, Payton, and me!) This photo was taken the night that the men lead our sunday church service.
Say hello to Gap E, This is the church. We eat, pray, laugh, cry, learn, and live life as children of Jesus being one body.
Abandoning the complexity of life can look like many things. Maybe switching your Iphone to a flip phone! For us in this season some of it is doing laundry by hand, and sleeping in tents!
It is getting chilly at night guys, please pray for warmth as we continue sleeping outside haha! 🙂
Boom! God has truly opened up doors for our leadership team to step into roles of service, bless His name! Some of these calls look simple and fun, like doing dishes, or serving the squad meals!
God is moving in the hearts of His children here. We have PACKED schedules filled with learning about The Father, our role in this world, and who we are as children of God!
And at the end of the day, that’s all we are. There will be no World Race in heaven. There will be no team leaders, or squad leaders, we will finally just be what He created us to be; His.
Thank you for your support, whether that be financially, prayerfully, or any other way. I am truly so blessed that God has given me a new heart, one that lives to serve Him, and the only reason I’d accept support, if it’s for Him. I am fully funded since the last time we talked. Thank you.
Till next time. -Justin
Justin, I so love you, your smile, and your heart!!! (just to name a few) Thank you for sharing this insight and these pictures! Love the pictures!!
May the Lord continue to shine through you… The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.
love this!!! it’s so sweet to see the Lord working through you in this season!! so proud to know you. love ya!
Justin, thanks so much for the words and pictures! I love that you share both for us to see how all of you are ministering to our Lord. I think of you every morning and wonder what you are doing and lift you up in prayer every night. I will pray you get some of our warmth at night.. We are still having over 100 degree temps in OCTOBER!
Justin the same goes for me … I always love to see your smile. I loved the tour and your talented writing as always. You always share your journey So beautifully!! I’m always so grateful for you everyday and I loved our talk last night. May God shine down His light and love in everything you’re doing in His name!
I love you to pieces and may God continue to lead you in all His ways!
Love you Mom XOXO
Thank you so much Ms. Beacham! I am so grateful for Jesus’ faithfulness in the life of you and your daughter. You two are a blessing to this earth, and a little glimpse of heaven. 🙂
Nicole, you are such a kind soul, I love you! 🙂
Thank you Grandma! Thankfully, even though the nights are cold, the days are BEAUTIFUL!! I pray for you so often to, love and miss you so much!!
Love you so much Mom, thank you for investing in the life God has given me, and walking with me. Love you!!
Justin, Always, thanks for the photos and the glimpse into life in Gainesville. JP, Josh, and Payton are fortunate to have you to lead them through this season. I appreciate the reminder that at the end of the day, all our differences will fade away – we’ll just be His children, chosen. In 2020, it is a Truth we need to remember daily. Love you!
P.S. That awesome photo of you is going up on my bulletin board – it’s such a good one! (Might crop out the porta potty, however. I’m discovering many of the photos from Gainesville this fall have porta potties in the background! ??)
Thank you so much Katie, so thankful to God that at the end of the day we are just His children. A truth to cling to!
haha yeah I haven’t used a “normal” bathroom in over a month now! Porta Potties are a new way of life here!
Justin, it is such a pleasure to share this journey with you through your photos and descriptions of the physicality and spirituality of what it looks like to live in community and serve each other with the end goal of Being — being who God created us to be. In each photo your smile radiates peace and joy, both signs of the kingdom of God made manifest here on earth. Blessings as your journey continues into wider areas of service. Bring the kingdom into places of loss and destruction as you join in with hurricane relief!
Thank you so much Mrs. Folsom, I truly appreciate your words of truth and encouragement! God is calling us all into being His children again! So excited for the coming weeks and months!