A cool and mostly gentle breeze caresses my skin and plays with my hair as I sit on a wall not too far off the ground. My legs are crossed as one foot rests gently on the top of a closed grill. The sky is a beautiful baby blue and the clouds stream across the sky naturally, as they know it’s where they belong. I feel at rest. Today I am at Mabe and Fabi’s for a bit of extra rest while on this journey of life, and The World Race. I feel a sense of completion and fulfillment in my heart, as I left Dunamis yesterday. My time there is complete. Now it is time for me to be here at Mabe and Fabi’s, and in the future that will change. And that is okay. It’s good to enjoy your life, where you’re at and who you’re with. It’s good to let go and take steps forward. God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit are my constant. Today, the house I’m in is filled with people I don’t really know. But if they are good friends with Jesus, we probably know each other a lot more than we think. A shadow appeared on the ground while I was writing; it moved quick. I looked up and it was a humming bird, looking for something to snack on in the tree above me. Today, it’s good to let go, to enjoy, to rest, to be loved. It is good to enjoy the beauty of color, flowers, feelings, whether they are emotional or physical, to enjoy the simplicity of this thing that I love called life.
I love you too, Justin.
Wow Justin, reading this brings peace and joy and release to my heart… thank you! You paint quite the picture here with your words and give me the yearning to experience life through this lens. “Today, it’s good to let go, to enjoy, to rest, to be loved.”…. such wonderful reminders, so good for the soul… thank you! May you continue to experience the fullness of HIS love and joy, and this love called life!
thank you for handling this gift we call life with so much gentle care.
this was just the sweetest thing I could’ve read today. I love & miss you!!
thank you for your words justin!!
Thank you so much Kimberly, I am learning so often to look for the beauty in life. It’s so easy to miss, but it’s always there.
It wouldn’t be right to handle it any other way 🙂
I love and miss you too, are you a chipotle gal now too?
Thank you for taking time to receive them Maddie! 🙂
Justin, it is so wonderful to read your writing. We should all stop and smell the roses, but do we take time. We need to thank God everyday for the beauty He has surrounded us with.
Justin, This was the most gentle, soothing, comforting thing I read all day long on Sabbath (and I read a lot throughout the day)! I tend to embrace and view Sabbath very much the way you enjoyed the moment you were in when you wrote this, but I want to better “be in” and embrace the moments God gives me every day like this. And I very much want to remember that we likely know others better than we think if they are also friends with Jesus.
Thank you.
Absolutely grandma, thank you for sharing those words, I love you deeply!
Thank you Katie, truly and sincerely it is a gift to me to continue our familial relationship, even if just through these blogs, it is huge for me.