Here we are at midpoint debrief on the race. I have learned a lot these past 4 months, I have experienced a lot of things. Some of the best times of my life have been here on the race, and some of the hardest times have been here as well. We are currently staying at a hostel in Siem Reap. This is a time of rest, but the party culture at this hostel is uncomfortable to put it lightly. People drunkenly screaming at each other ready to fight at 4 a.m. The way people behave here is sad to be honest.They don’t know that they are sons and daughters of the most high king. They don’t know their value, and they settle for less. It breaks my heart.

Nevertheless we are enjoying our time here. When we are able to get away from the party, quality time is spent with all of our brothers and sisters. We go out to eat pizza, see cool new things that Asia has to offer, and that’s what is important. I am on the complete opposite side of the world to everything that I know and hold close to me. So what keeps me going? It is certainly not my own willpower or strength, because that is fleeting and weak. What keeps me going is all of the friends, brothers and sisters that I have here. I have Christ, and through Christ we are all family. So, even though my family may all be in the United States, Arizona, Washington, Colorado, I have family here in Cambodia too. Whether it be the college students we built relationships with for the past month, or our squad. My squad mates have been with me since day one, since leaving the Georgia airport to fly to Central America, coming back and flying all over the U.S. in one day, now to the other side of the globe in Asia. This is all because God has made us one body of believers and so we stick together, following Christ.

So what does the future of the race look like? Well, after debrief is over in less than a week, all of our sisters will be going back to Phnom Pehn (a city 6 hours away from here), and my team, (Nathan, Nathanael, Brandon and I) will stay back here in Siem Reap for the remainder of our time here in Cambodia. This will be a month for our team to build deeper intimacy in our relationships, as well as all of the women to do the same. Our team is very excited, not to be away from the women, but to just be with each other. I will be honest, it is extremely overwhelming when you are the 1 male in a room full of 10+ women. We as men are the minority here on the race, and so it is exciting for us to get a little breathing room for the next month.

We are uninformed as to our ministry for this next month, but are going into it with open minds. I am going to be disconnecting this month, I am able to do this because I have been fully funded! Thank you so much to everyone who donated. God called me to this place, and He did not leave me here, so thank you for all your support and generosity. I genuinely could not be here without your help, and God’s providence through you. That being said, I will be disconnecting from all WiFi for our time here in Cambodia. I will be recording videos in this time but will not be on social media to post them. This is in an effort to be ever present in our current situation, and experience not being at home.

After this next 6 weeks in Cambodia, we are on our 3rd and final country of the race, Swaziland. Since being in big cities for the past 4 months, I am so excited to be in Swazi where, hopefully it will be a countryside, quiet, and natural. I have realized my longing to be in nature is largely deprived since being on the race, and that’s not a bad thing. It just comes with the gig of giving up your control for what God wants. But I do long to be back in nature. I find that it’s a place where God and I can really connect.

So, I am excited to continue this journey and really step into self reflection, and self discovery in these next months. Although there is still a big chunk of the race to go, it is going by extremely fast. I love and miss everyone at home, and I am committed to finishing this race. And after the race, what’s next? I can confidentially say… I have no idea, no plan, nothing. I haven’t really talked to God about it yet. But I know that wherever I go, whatever I do, as long as I have God with me, and Jesus living inside of me, it will be good.
Next time you hear from me, we will be looking at our journey to Swaziland, thank you everyone. -Sincerely, Justin.
Hi my wonderful nephew! Once again your insight is Divine. You are so open to God’s will for your trip that even in the hardest moments you know that there is a purpose. I am so proud of all of you out there for doing this. You all are being so brave and trusting God to make everything you experience for his purpose. I think it’s great that you are going to take a break from posting to truly immerse yourself into the experience. We will miss you but we know that when you are back you will be bringing us some more powerful words! I love you more than you can understand.
I love the way you so obviously want to make the most of your time on the field. Take it all in. Love this update as always.
Justin, praying these next few weeks are weeks of intentionality, purpose and growth. Praying a hedge of protection around you all as you maneuver through these last weeks in Cambodia and transitioning into Eswatini. Looking forward to your videos. God Bless.
This is the first time I am getting to write to you. Hopefully you will see this at some point. I can’t tell you how proud of you I am. Your expression in your posts amazes me every time I get on your blog. Your videos really show us here at home what you get to experience. You have truly mastered that skill. I love. you so much and miss you terribly. It makes me feel so good to know your reliance on God during this time as it has been so different from Costa Rica. You are an amazing, loving and caring man and I am so blessed to have you for my son. I’ll be catching up with you in Swaziland! I’m praying for you all and am so happy you all have each others support.
Love you sooooo sooooo much!