The Eulogy Of Justin Seibert
God is Love. That is why He sent His one and only son Jesus to the earth. Jesus came to save all His children, and show us what it means to be Love. By God’s grace alone, this is how He revealed Himself through Justin. Jesus‘ Love was first and foremost in Justin’s character. Justin lived for God, not himself. He considered the best interest of others even at the expense of his own personal comfort, desires, and life. Justin lay the desires of his heart at the feet of the The Lord, and his heart posture was “I am ready when you say I am, not a minutes sooner, not a minute later.” Justin had an awe inspired reverence for the gift of life, and lay his down daily. He told Jesus each day, “I am ready to go when you are ready to take me Lord.”
Justin was what he needed to be, when he needed to be it. A good and faithful son, brother, friend, husband, and father. He was compassionate with the hurt, strong with the weak. He sought to understand others before himself being understood. He celebrated with those who were joyful, and cried with those who hurt. When Justin entered a room The Father’s gentle and warm nature would enter the hearts of those who received him. Justin used the gift of His words to bring light and life into this world, encouraging others and telling them who Jesus says they are. He allowed himself to be different; to sit in public with his eyes closed because seeing his Father was more valuable than the opinions of others.
His past acts of obedience to Jesus are bearing fruit and changing lives to this day. Jesus partnered with Justin to save the perfect amount of people written in His will, to bring warmth to the cold, food to the hungry, homes to the homeless, to bring children Home, and bring heaven to earth. Justin did not shy away from difficult situations or conversations, rather, he invested truth in Love into the hearts of those times. There was no question what he was about; those who knew Justin knew he was all about his Father’s business. He had a quiet resolve which affirmed that actions do indeed speak louder than words. He was as fierce as a lion, gentle as a dove, and a son of The Lamb. Jesus wrote Justin’s name in the book of life before the beginning. and Jesus‘ gift of life and experience were, are, and are still to be.

Justin, these words are beautiful. What’s even more beautiful is how perfectly they match your character. You, my friend, are already living these words out. Keep walking in that truth & obedience. I’m so honored to call you my brother!
So honored to know you and call you friend. I think it’s safe to say these things remain true about you, even now. I cant even imagine how proud Jesus is of you.
Justin!! this was completely beautiful. every single thing that you hope to be written in your eulogy is already true. so proud to know you and to call you one of my best friends!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words Cassi, I’m so blessed by them.
Nicole, your words are spoken through the filter of Jesus, and I am so thankful for you!
Thank you Maggie, I’m so grateful for the opportunity God has blessed me with to see who He’s created you to be!
wow i’m really happy to have you as a friend, Justin. all of this is so true of who you are !
Justin You are a truly amazing gift from God and I’m so honored to be your mom! I am always inspired by your words and I know God speaks His love through you. This is evident through the many friends, family and people that you don’t even know that you have planted a seed. I continually hear and experience what a steady, caring, honest and loving young man you are in Jesus and I can testify to the reaction of others that you have touched with your spirit! I love watching your journey and love for God!
Thank you for sharing with your gift of eloquent writing. I agree you are living this life and have been for Jesus. Your love for Him shines bright within you!!!
I love you so much and I miss you!
Love Mom
wow justin,, this is really beautifully written. It’s an honor to know you! Also u used my photo!
Justin, your writing is amazing and so describes you since Jesus has been fully in your heart. I am so proud of you and thankful that God chose you to be my grandson. I have been so blessed by you !
Justin, it is a joy getting to know you more… thank you for writing this and sharing! The love of the Father just flows from you, and you so graciously and intentionally share it with others. Thank you for sharing yourself and your heart! I am blessed to know you and blessed by you!
Justin, Beautifully written and all so very true! Will you write mine when the time comes? However, as much as I long some days for my eternal home in heaven with the Father, I hope we don’t actually need a eulogy for you nor I either one anytime soon. Living this life here for the Lord is ever challenging, but also very fulfilling and joyful in the right here and right now. Keep being Justin, this person you’ve so eloquently written about. I believe he is real. Keep growing, keep stretching in His name and His ways, firmly grounded in the Word. The future will be incredible! Yes and amen: all praise and honor and glory and power unto the Lamb! Love you, brother.
Thank you for your kind words, and for the photo Gabby! 🙂
I could sit and try to write yours all day long and it wouldn’t compare to the testimony that you have in your heart! Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts Katie, love you!
Thank you so much for your kind words Ms. Beacham, I truly appreciate you pouring out to me!
Thank you Grandma, I am so thankful to be your grandson!! 🙂 The blessing you’ve been in my life is a gift from God!
Thank you for your words mom, they mean a lot!
Thank you so much Maddie!
Don’t personally know you, or Have met you but I came across your YouTube Channel Awhile back and saw your ‘committing to the world race’ video. Brought tears to my eyes, and reminded me of myself before I became what one would call a “Backslider”, that was addicted to P*rn, full of himself, egotistical, arrogant, bitter, hateful… and the list goes on. You reminded me of a part of myself so distant in the past. Keep it up man! You inspire people like me to get back on the narrow path and remember what it really means to be a Christian.
Ryan, thank you for taking time to give your words to me, they are a true gift. Ryan, you are never too far gone, you could never fall back into sin enough times for God to give up on you. There is no shame in “backsliding” you are first and foremost a son of God- worthy of being Loved and trusted. You are worth God’s whole life, that is why Jesus came, to show us how worthy we are. Just trust Him today, just talk to Him today, and I know you’ll be on a path to light and life my brother. Love you man. If you ever wanna chat, my number is 520-304-0042.